Question Bank

Our Question Banks cover all the ATPL subjects and includes questions based on EASA and UK CAA exams. These are from various sources including feedback from students. Other questions are written by our SMEs to ensure you understand the subject and the Learning Objectives. Each question has an explanation of the correct answer.

Each subject has two databases, one reserved for Progress and Subject tests, the other used for Student revision.

Exam Users
There are over 15,000 questions in the database, covering all the ATPL subjects. These questions can be accessed in Revision and Examination modes. The Progress Tests and Subject Tests set by the ATO can be set from questions that the student will not see when revising via the question bank.

Test Examinations.

ATOs can easily set exams by Subject and/or Topic and/or SubTopic. These can be set to mimic the real CAA and EASA examinations, with the same question breakdown. Examinations can be static so that all students get the same questions, although the order of questions can be randomised if required. This ensures consistant assessments across the board. Alternatively, questions can be drawn dynamically from the databases. The Test exams, for Progress Tests and Subject Tests can be drawn from questions that the student will not see when they revise via the question bank ensuring that students cannot just learn the question bank.

Questionbank Statistics

Feedback and Statistics.

Our examination system provides rich statistics at the Question, Exam, Student and Cohort levels providing feedback to the ATO and the Student. Provide a data-driven learning experience with detailed performance analytics. Empowering you to gain a deeper insight into a candidates’ score, percentile, and how they compare to the cohort average and the standard deviation. Track the progress of every candidate in an easy-to-use table format. See if users have started their exam, their time allowed, the marking status, and their grades, to manage their exam end-to-end.

Individual Question Statistics

Analyse the performance of each question. View average scores and response distribution per answer option. An imbalance, especially toward wrong answers, highlights areas for extra practice and potentially ambiguous questions needing rewording in future exams for unbiased assessments. This way you can check not only the validity of the questions but also training coverage.

Individual Question feedback


Reduce the chances of cheating and increase the exam integrity with a range of proctoring and anti-cheat options for both in person and remote exams. Enhance your exam security by verifying the identity of candidates with a photo ID prior to starting the exam - an essential step for ensuring the correct person is taking the exam. Prevent test-takers from accessing other browsers and applications so that everyone takes the exam in secure conditions.