light aircraft communications equipment
standby definitions
VFR frequency changes
VHF direction finding


  • Category: 090 Communications
  • Lead SME: Huw Millar

What Does Communications cover?

Communications covers the way we transmit our messages, how radio waves work, the appropriate use of professional language for both VFR & IFR flights in and around the aerodrome as well as in the cruise.

It includes:

  • The needs for standard RT and safety
  • Types of transmissions
  • Transmission techniques - good and bad
  • Pronunciaton of letters, numbers and aviation terms
  • Callsigns - abbreviations
  • Frequency bands used in civil aviation – radio navigation and communication
  • VHF frequencies
  • Look at light and medium aircraft communications equipment
  • Transponders & TCAS
  • Phraseology & pronunciation in the aerodrome, and aloft
  • Different types of messages & their priority
  • Weather reports
  • Emergency Messages
  • Data link communication