Lift and Drag - ground effect
Stick force stability - example
book - stalling
aircraft moments

Principles of Flight (POF)

  • Category: 081 Principles of Flight (POF)
  • Lead SME: Graeme Wood

What Does POF cover

Principles of Flight is all to do with how an aeroplane flies, manoeuvres, is controlled and the aerodynamic principles behind everything. The topic is split into:

  • Subsonic Flow, looking at basic airflow, lift, drag, and high lift devices.
  • High Speed Aerodynamics and the effect on the aeroplane including shock waves, Mcrit, swept wings and Mach tuck.
  • Stalling covering the cause of stall and what to do in the event of a stall occurring the factors that affect stalling and spinning.
  • Stability how an aeroplane needs to be stable but not too stable as this effects control, the effect of various components have on stability both static and dynamic.
  • Control, how an aeroplane is controlled and trimmed about all three axes.
  • Limitations and how an aeroplane has speed and load factor limits, what they are, and the speeds associated with differing stages of flight.
  • Propellers and how they produce thrust, the differing types and their secondary effects during differing stages of flight.
  • Flight Mechanics and how we control the aeroplane in straight and level, climbing, descending and turning flight. The effect of engine loss on the aeroplane and that we must maintain the speed above VMC to remain in control of the aeroplane.

The subject requires a minimum of 55 hours teaching, the exam is 1 ½ hours long with 46 questions with each question worth one mark. Most of the questions are theory based with several simple calculation questions.